Live Score in Trefík

Online scores available directly in Trefík

Trefík brings the possibility to check the online score from football, ice hockey and tennis matches. This feature is available when the Online updates mode is active in Trefík and at the same time the checkbox "Live Data" is activated at the popup-menu Online/Offline.

The window with live scores can be open using the button Live from the main windows: at the section Competition or at the section Internet:
Live Data
.. you can filter the visible matches at the top part of this window. The pre-match odds are visible for every match. There is an option at the top part to order the matches according to the current "biggest surprise" (considering the current score and the pre-match odds). The user can easily get the matches where favourite teams have problems at the moment.

The button Game shows a window with live details only for the currently selected match.
Live Match
You can activate more windows with live details at once.

The button Predict shows the section Progress at the window Prediction and sets the current score and time there. A sample work at Predict / Progress.

The set score and game score is available for tennis matches. The symbol PLUS marks the serving player:
Live Tennis
There is also a column informing about a break at the current set for tennis matches.
For tennis matches the button Predict activates the section Point-By-Point.

The live score is displayed also at the Offer and Coupons windows (if it is allowed at the settings of the Live window).