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Ing. Vladimír Kraus
Západní 3, 323 00 Plzeň
telefon: +420 605 821 144

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Trefík Team

Ing. Vladimír Kraus

Graduaded as a software engineer at the Faculty of Applied Science in Plzen, CZ.
The idea of creating a software helping tool for bettors was born at the year 1995. Since then the new features are added into Trefik software.

Ing. Stanislav Kraus

Graduaded as a mathematical engineer at the Faculty of Applied Science in Plzen, CZ.
Works for Trefík since 1999.


A few more people help on updating data in Trefik. Thanks also to them is the data content in Trefik so huge.

The Polish version of Trefik has been offered since 2001. The English version is offered since 2009.