"Under / Over" for yellow cards and corners

Predict Window and yellow cards + corners statistics

You can also view detailed information about yellow cards and corner kicks in the Predict window. Statistics are available for matches, which are displayed in the Games section. In the following picture, these are home matches for the current home team and away matches for the guests:

YC + corners

.. the number of matches from the point of view of the UNDER / OVER bet for the number of yellow cards for the given team is displayed. If Trefík also contains odds, they are listed here. Odds that are higher than the calculated balance from previous matches are shown in bold.

The next picture shows the UNDER / OVER statistics for the sum of yellow cards in a match from all previous matches of both teams (home and away). Again, the listed odds are displayed, if they are available in the program:

YC + corners

The next two pictures bring similar statistics for corner kicks: for the sum in the match and separately for the team:

YC + corners

YC + corners

After double-clicking in the list of matches, detailed information about the played match will be displayed, where it is possible to verify the course of the match:

YC + corners

In the Predict / Games section, in the lower part of the Details it is possible to set the display of the numbers of YC and corners directly in the row for matches. (In the picture, the list of matches is scrolled to the right, so that in this narrow picture you can see just the data on YC and corner kicks):

YC + corners