Poisson Distribution in Trefík

Updated sample: result, under/over, a team scores, both teams score

This sample has been updated with more bet types covered. You can download the updated sample at Filter / Samples window:

The filter definition allows to use also the previous season results. It helps at the beginning of the new season as the Poisson distribution parameters do not need to start from the zero values:

The columns definition for this sample is updated to cover additional number of goals (till 6 goals scored by a team). There are included the probabilities for home and away wins (again till the max. number of 6 goals; anyway you can add more goals counting if you wish to do that). There are counted the probabilities of under/over goals for the limits 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 goals. And there are also the probabilities of home / away teams scoring and both team scoring:

.. you can check all definitions at Filter / Columns section.

When using the filter at the Offer window the situation looks like:

.. at each match row there are counted the probabilities according to the Poisson distribution for:

  • under 0.5 goals,
  • over 0.5 goals,
  • under 1.5 goals,
  • over 1.5 goals,
  • under 2.5 goals,
  • over 2.5 goals,
  • home win (with color marking values as defined at Filter / Columns),
  • tie result (with color marking values as defined at Filter / Columns),
  • away win (with color marking values as defined at Filter / Columns),
  • home team scores,
  • away team scores,
  • both team score.

The last screenshot shows the situation for the first half results. There is activated the bet type "1st half" above the matches list. Which means also the season parameters for being used at the Poisson distribution are taken only from 1st halves:

All counted values can be evaluated in the matches history. So the user can find the best filter settings for his own purposes.