Offer window: conditions for displaying matches

For every column at the Offer window it is possible to define a condition

The condition defition can be done at a filter for the Offer window. How to work with a filter.

Trefík allows to set conditions for every column at the Offer window. The conditions can be simple, composited or multi-leveled.

For example, a match can be displayed where the home team's success rate in the last matches ranges from 60% to 75% and the success rate of the guests ranges from 25% to 40%. This tool can gain more control over the values of individual columns than when using conditions directly in the filter definition for the Menu window.

Trefík - okno Nabídka / Filtr
It is enough to activate the section CONDITIONS and define new conditions using the button EDIT:
Trefík - podmínky pro hodnoty ve sloupcích v okně Nabídka

In the figure are given the conditions for the newly created column "Sum of the NoOT goals", ie the number of goals in the regular time. OR conditions, ie OR, are created for individual even numbers. As a result, these conditions will apply to matches where the number of goals scored in the regular time is the even number:
Trefík - použití podmínekpro okno Nabídka
.. by entering different values into the conditions, you can analyze the filter results for the Offer window.