Offer / Filter / Match Result

Tracking frequency of exact result in past matches

If we want to calculate the frequency of occurrence of the exactly entered result in past matches, we can use the following section:
Filter / Match result

In the upper part there is a space for entering the exact result. Even a total of three variants of results. The result can be taken into account either overall or according to the type of course (for example, the result of the first half).

Selecting NOT these results will cause only matches where the specified result(s) do not occur to be searched.

The Reverse for Guest item will cause, for example, a 1-0 entered result to be searched for the home team's matches, but a 0-1 result to be searched for the away team.

The search for the specified result(s) in all matches of the teams (home and away) is set by the subsection Total. Activating the item Just from the team's point of view causes that, for example, the entered result 1:0 will always be searched as a 1:0 win of the watched team (that is, the away match of the team should end 0:1 = a win of the watched team); if this item is not active, matches won by the home team 1-0 will be searched, regardless of whether the team being watched was home or away.

To search for the result in the matches of the home team, use the section Home vs. X. The frequency of occurrence of the result can be limited. And also the current series of results in a row.
Y vs. Awaysets the parameters to search for the result of past away matches. You can set the relationship and at the same time between the conditions for home and away matches / or: depending on whether both conditions must be met (if they are active) or if only one of the conditions is sufficient.

The subsection Home / Away is intended for finding the result in matches played at home for the home team and away matches for the visiting team from the currently analyzed match.